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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

New York Orthodox Jewry Stages Massive Solidarity Protest Against Jerusalem 'Gay Pride' Parade

Press Conference by President Bush ?Part 1 of 2

Press Conference by President Bush ?Part 2 of 2

Judicial Watch Statement on the Elections

Care Net on Election Results: Pregnancy Centers Will Play Critical Role in Years Ahead

Republicans' Loss of Pro-Life, Pro-Family Principles Translated into Loss of Power

Show Me State Duped by Deceptive Amendment 2

Confusing Language Deceives Missouri Voters into Legalizing Human Cloning

Silver Lining for Dark Election Cloud? Asks National Clergy Council

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Concerned Women for America Experts Available to Provide Commentary Throughout Election Night

Morality in Media Compiles News Articles to Rebut Media Arguments That Swearing is Harmless Fun

Christians Must Vote Today or Else

Monday, November 06, 2006

Remarks by President Bush at Florida Victory 2006 Rally

New Life Church Statement on Church's Investigation and Pastor Ted Haggard

Professor: Political Parties More Savvy About Latino Demographic

Cluster Munitions: ICRC Calls for Urgent International Action

'Newsweek' Cover: The Politics of Jesus

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Statement by President Bush on the Saddam Hussein Verdict

Today at US Capitol: Prayer Vigil for Elections

Five Doctors Endorse Prop. 85 in New Web Ad

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Remarks by President Bush at Colorado Victory 2006 Rally

Remarks by President Bush at Colorado Victory 2006 Rally; Part 2 of 2

Text of President Bush's Radio Address to the Nation for November 4, 2006

Friday, November 03, 2006

National Association of Evangelicals' Statement Concerning the Resignation of Rev. Ted Haggard

God, Family, Country--Takes Center Stage! Conservative Talk Show Host Bill Keller Launches Nationally-Syndicated Biblical Worldview TV Program 'Live Prayer with Bill Keller'

Republican Rhetoric and Lack of Action on Abortion, Homosexual Marriage, Islam, Foley, the National Debt and More is Why the Republican Party is in Deep Trouble

Remarks by President Bush at Missouri Victory 2006 Rally

Congressman Smith: Federal Funds for Cord Blood Banking, Stem Cell Research Will Save Lives

Americans United's 'Reminder' to Churches Appears to be an Indirect Attempt at Evangelical Vote Suppression

Missouri's Amendment 2 -- Not Cloning? -- Hello, Dolly

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