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Thursday, February 08, 2007

Remarks by President Bush After Briefing on Department of Homeland Security Priorities

Aid Delivery a Victim of Troubles in Somalia

Better Depression Treatment for College Students Will Be Focus of University of Michigan Conference

NAB2007 to Feature Sixth Annual Digital Cinema Summit

Prepared Remarks of Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales at a Joint Press Availability with Brazilian Minister of Justice Marcio Thomaz Bastos

Apocalypto Should Be Required Viewing for Those Indoctrinated with the Humanistic Prejudices Against Christianity

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Remarks by President Bush on the National Parks Centennial Initiative

Have a Heart Healthy Valentine's Day with a Prescription from The Great Physician

ACT Alert Zambia: Floods in Eastern and North Western Provinces of Zambia

CWA: Pro-Family Leader's Life Threatened on 'Gay' Web Site

Two Abortion Mill Operators Arrested, Jailed on Felony Counts

HBO Premieres 'Addiction' Documentary Series at Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America National Leadership Forum

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

NASA Love Triangle Brings Bizarre, Obsessive, Destructive Behavior -- Expert Available

Remarks by President Bush on Fiscal Responsibility

8th Circuit to Hear Appeal of District Court Judge's Ruling to Shut Down Effective Faith-Based Prisoner Rehabilitation Program

Yelling 'Kill the Border Patrol Agent' Five Illegal Immigrants Attack Imprisoned Agent in His Sleep

Moldovan Draft Religion Law Threatens Fundamental Rights

First Ever Prime Time Christian Drama Series Set to Air

Monday, February 05, 2007

National Attention Focuses on Impending Fight in Arkansas Legislature on Resolution to 'Ratify' 1972 Federal ERA

Remarks by President Bush After Meeting with the Cabinet

ADRA Dispatches Mobile Health Teams in Flood-Affected Kenya

Deciding if 100,000 Children Will Die Each Year: Portugal's Abortion Referendum

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Remarks by President Bush After Meeting with the House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference

Remarks by President Bush to the House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference

Text of President Bush's Radio Address to the Nation

Friday, February 02, 2007

Remarks by President Bush to the Carolina Hurricanes

Franciscan Sisters February Meditation on Forgiveness at the Franciscanized World

The White House: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Finalizes Report

New Book Details How Protestants Gather, Spend Money; Author is Vanderbilt Divinity School Dean James Hudnut-Beumler

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Athletes in Action Super Bowl Breakfast outreach to Air Super Bowl Sunday in U.S. and Canada on Sky Angel TV Service's Special Events Network, Angel Two

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