Contact: Victor Goodman, KinderStart, 323-669-0822
MEDIA ADVISORY, April 25 /Standard Newswire/ -- Kinderstart.com, the little search engine for parents of children zero to seven, filed an appeal to the 9th Circuit Friday, April 13th and will continue its legal battle against GOOGLE in federal court.
KinderStart demands Google remove all Pornography from its index!
GOOGLE injected pornography into the case by declaring in open court that KINDERSTART was "rife with porn," and declared this was the reason for the ban of KINDERSTART.
According to Dr. Victor Goodman, KINDERSTART'S Spokesman, just the opposite is true.
"KINDERSTART, since 2000, has provided a safe haven for parents and children from the Pornography that infests the INTERNET and specifically the GOOGLE Index."
This outlandish lie by GOOGLE demonstrates just how far GOOGLE will go to amass profits and control over the INTERNET.
Goodman continues, "GOOGLE may well be the largest repository of Pornographic Information and Sites in the History of Man."
Further, according to Goodman "GOOGLE profits in the untold millions of dollars annually by selling ads which lead to Pornographic Websites - Thus GOOGLE makes huge income from Pornography of all sorts. GOOGLE is in the Porn business big time and on an annual basis may generate more money from links and ads to and for Pornography than any other company."
Goodman continues," KINDERSTART has never run a Pornographic ad, has never derived a Penny from that trade and never will."
Additionally says Goodman, "there are no Pornographic links on KINDERSTART, and if it is ever spammed with Un-seemly Content it is removed the minute that we become aware of it."
KINDERSTART appeals to the parents and children of the World to Demand that GOOGLE - remove all sites that link to Pornography or place a Warning stating that, "GOOGLE promotes Pornography on its search engine", and further listing all of those sites with a statement that "this site is rife with porn and is not appropriate for children and or young adults."
GOOGLE amazingly rewards many Porn sites with high page ranks and claims that a higher page rank = important high quality websites. (See http://www.google.com/technology/)
Dr. Goodman appeals to all Organizations both Religious and Secular.
"Please help us fight GOOGLE in the Courts and in the Court of Public Opinion, so that we may stop GOOGLES public display of Pornographic Links, Ads and Images to our Children and Young Adults. We need dollars to fight this "evil empire" that sees no wrong in corrupting our youth...it must be stopped! We are leading the fight, but need your financial, vocal, moral and physical support. Please join by contacting us above and help protect our children our country and our future."