Contact: Linda Evans Shepherd, 303-772-2035
MEDIA ADVISORY, Feb. 19 /Standard Newswire/ -- AWSA (Advanced Writers and Speakers Association) announces Janice Marie Chaffee of Franklin, Tennessee was awarded the AWSA Golden Scroll 2007 Member of the Year Award, at her bedside, February 11th by recording artist and AWSA member, Bonnie Keen. Keen said, "Janice was so happy. She couldn't talk in sentences, but said, "Look, AWSA...oh...beautiful."
Photo: Janice Marie Chaffee, additional photos available
Five days later, Janice graduated to heaven, February 16th, after a long battle with cancer. Janice was a national speaker and the author of If the Prodigal Were a Daughter and One Silent Night (Harvest House.)
AWSA founder, Linda Evans Shepherd said, "Janice lived out her life's story with unbelievable courage and strength. She inspired us to love and to be real with one another."
Janice is survived by her two sons, Taylor, and Elliot, and husband Jim, the President of Chaffee Management and former Vice President/General Manager of Myrrh Records and former GMA board member.
To see Janice's `In Memory' page, go to: www.AWSAwomen.com