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New Study: Social Media Doing a Better Job than Parents?

Teens Say Social Media has Made Them More Aware of the Needs of Others

Two out of Three Say Adults Not Doing Enough to Set Positive Example

200,000 Teens Give up Food, Go Mobile - World Vision's 30 Hour Famine February 22-23

30 Hour Famine Funds Now Designated Here in U.S.

Contact: John Yeager, World Vision, 425-765-9845

SEATTLE, Feb. 18, 2013 /Standard Newswire/ -- According to a new World Vision study, conducted online earlier this month by Harris Interactive on behalf of World Vision, more than half of teens (56%) say social media sites (Facebook, Twitter) have made them more aware of the needs of others. This is a huge increase from 2011, when just over 4 in 10 (44%) said their use of social media made them more aware.

According to the online study, more than 2 in 3 teens (68%) say that, when it comes to helping those in need, adults don't do enough to set a positive example for teens. From now until April, some 200,000 teens will go hungry as part of World Vision's 30 Hour Famine (30HF) to raise funds and hunger awareness. 30HF has more than 31,000 Facebook friends. Since 1992, 30HF has raised more than $150 million to fight world hunger. This is the first time 30HF funds are being designated to fight hunger here in the United States. According to the survey, most teens feel it is primarily the responsibility of churches or other religious organizations (76%) to help address hunger in the local community, with as many as 2 in 3 teens (66%) also indicating that the responsibility lies with them.

The weekend, World Vision will give control of the 30HF website to teens across America so they can use social media to fight world hunger. While many will do 30HF in February, others participate April 26th, 27th. Teens go without food for 30 hours to get a taste of what the world's poorest children face. Prior to the event, teens raise funds by explaining that $1 can help feed and care for a child a day. Teens consume only water and juice as they participate in local community service projects at food banks and homeless shelters. Last year 30HF raised $9.8 million to fight hunger. This year's goal: $10.5 million.

Tonight, 870 million people worldwide will go to bed hungry. Nearly 19,000 children die each day from hunger and preventable diseases. Chronic poverty, affecting half the people on earth, is the cause. Nearly 3 billion people live on less than $2 a day. Funds raised this year for 30HF will be sent to 10 countries including Haiti, Burundi and the U.S. Some 30HF funds also address poverty here in the U.S. Info: or or call 800-7-FAMINE.

30HF groups available for interviews weekend of Feb 22-23 

Columbia, South Carolina
Trinity Church -- 150 youth expected. Goal: $30,000. Trinity has raised more than $66,000 for campaign.

Norwalk, Conn.
St. Philip Catholic Church -- Over last ten years, close to 1,000 students have raised over $175,000

Dallas, Texas
Church plans "Hunger Car Smash" and Dodge ball tournament. Goal: $5,000

Leah Swindon 30 Hour Famine National Director -- World Vision

Media Contacts:
Gardi Wilks (Midwest US) 708-434-5006 (office) 708-205-5020 (cell)
John Yeager (Western US) 253-815-2356 (office) 425-765-9845 (cell)
Mindy Mizell (Eastern US) 202-355-3690 (cell) 

30 Hour Famine Survey 2013 Facts
The poll was conducted online by Harris Interactive on behalf of World Vision, an international Christian relief and development organization, between January 23rd, 2013 and February 4th, 2013 via the Youth Query omnibus service among 567 U.S. youth ages 13 to 17 years old. For complete methodology, including weighing variables, please contact John Yeager. 

About World Vision -- World Vision is a Christian relief and development organization dedicated to helping children and their communities worldwide reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty.  World Vision serves the world’s poor regardless of a person's religion, race, ethnicity, or gender.  World Vision works in 100 countries, helping approximately 100 million people every year. For more information, visit