Citizens uphold tradition, directly contribute to wartime success
Contact: Eric Egland (Major, Reserve), Troops Need You Founder, 530-205-5582, EEgland@hotmail.com
Battalion leadership confirms that the resources are having a positive influence on the Iraqi people, and are helping the troops complete their mission in
Unprecedented partnership with General Petraeus connects US troops, American people
General Petraeus, the top general in
"Thanks for all you're doing for the troops," he wrote. "I was delighted to see that you're helping the Black Lions Battalion.... It's great to see you are providing assistance to the unit, which is in one of the toughest, most complex areas in
The unprecedented partnership between Troops Need You and the military command in
By connecting
"Americans want to contribute to victory but do not know how," stated Major Eric Egland, founder of Troops Need You. "Now, Troops Need You provides a clear path to empower every American to support victory in
"Until today, many Americans believed their support was limited to prayers, care packages and bumper stickers," explains Egland. "Now, soldiers on the ground invite citizens to do more."
Troops Need You is a charitable organization dedicated to maintaining the American tradition of mobilizing citizens to directly enable wartime success. By using donated funds from people across the country, Troops Need You delivers what combat units need to win over local Iraqis.
Donations are accepted online at http://www.TroopsNeedYou.com or by mail to Troops Need You,
Major Eric Egland (Reserve) has served in