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Black Christians Abandoning Democrats Heeding Bishop E.W. Jackson's Call for Mass Exodus
Contact: Joann Barnes, STAND, 813-760-7716

WASHINGTON, Sept. 20, 2012 /Standard Newswire/ -- For the first time since the black community's political realignment with the Democrat Party in the 1960's, a nationally prominent black Pastor has called on the black church community to leave the Democrat Party in a movement dubbed "EXODUS NOW!" Bishop E.W. Jackson's call to "come out from among them" is apparently being heeded by many black Pastors and Christians across America and creating a stir in many churches. There is concern at the highest levels of the Democrat Party.

The impetus for EXODUS NOW, and what has given it credibility in the black community is the Democrat Party's increasingly secular stand, particularly making "same-sex marriage" an official part of the Party Platform. This came on the heels of a number of other actions which many Christians found objectionable: President Obama's support for same-sex marriage; regulations ordering Catholic and other Christian institutions providing healthcare to distribute free contraceptives and abortion drugs; Convention speakers support for unrestricted abortion up to the moment before delivery; and taking God out of the party platform and no longer recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Across the country, as black Christians debate the call to EXODUS NOW, Democrats are shaken. They desperately need the votes of black church goers. Democrats are responding by attacking Jackson personally on left wing blogs.

"They can say anything they want about me," says Jackson, "but I do not intend to leave Christians in bondage to a party that is hostile to everything Christians hold dear. Either we worship and rely on God or we worship and rely on a political party. We are supposed to rely on Almighty God, not the government or any party. When a party disdains God and His word, as the Democrat Party clearly does, it is time to leave that party."

Says the Bishop, "This movement is not about Party, but principle; not about race, but righteousness. This is not about winning an election, but saving a generation."

Click to see Bishop E.W. Jackson's message to black Christians

E.W Jackson is a Bishop, Marine Corps Veteran, graduate of Harvard Law School, former practicing Attorney and Adjunct Professor of Law,  former candidate for U.S. Senate in Virginia and Founder and President of STAND.