World Apostolate of Fatima, USA Calls for Nationwide Eucharistic Vigils for Return of Catholics to the Faith

World Apostolate of Fatima, USA
Nov. 7, 2023
WASHINGTON, N.J., Nov. 7, 2023 /Standard Newswire/ -- In support of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) National Eucharistic Revival (NER), the World Apostolate of Fatima, USA (The Blue Army) has implemented a campaign for parishes and shrines to host a Night of Love vigil of reparation to the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts to pray for all those who have fallen away from the Faith and belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. These vigils are being promoted nationwide, particularly on First Friday/First Saturday, in honor of the devotions to the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts.
Most Rev. Bishop Andrew Cozzens, Chairman of the NER, endorsed the initiative to "support this effort of increasing belief in, and devotion to the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament...and to bring more people to a fuller understanding of the truth of our Faith."
David Carollo, Executive Director of the WAF-USA, says the Night of Love evenings of Eucharistic reparation offer a way for parishes to come together as the Body of Christ and pray for all those in their local communities to return to the Faith: "We are asking parishes to bring the names of all those family members and friends who need prayers and place those petitions at the feet of Our Lord and Our Lady. The Fatima message calls all to conversion. It is a call to make reparation for sin, especially Eucharistic Reparation. During the night hours, when much sin is committed these vigils of reparation are particularly efficacious."
The U.S. Bishops have each received a letter and materials, and many are responding with gratitude and support for the initiative, adds Mr. Carollo.
Materials to plan a vigil are available free at These include a letter to priests, poster and booklet with suggested schedule and devotions. The page also offers a place to register a Night of Love on a map.
The World Apostolate of Fatima is an International Public Association of the Faithful with headquarters in Fatima, Portugal, and U.S. headquarters at the National Blue Army Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima in Washington, NJ, in the Diocese of Metuchen. The apostolate was formed in 1947 by Msgr. Harold Colgan and lay leader John Haffert in New Jersey, with guidance and direction from Ven. Sister Lucia and Most Rev. Jose Alves Correia da Silva, bishop of Fatima. The apostolate is credited with having spread the message of Fatima throughout the world, largely through the travels of the world-famous International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fatima, which continue today. Visit
SOURCE World Apostolate of Fatima, USA
CONTACT: Barb Ernster, 612-419-7677,