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Pro-life Activists to Hold Protest at Speaker Boehner's Office Calling for the Ban of All Abortions After 20 Weeks

Contact: Rev. Patrick Mahoney, 540-538-4741; Jill Stanek, 815-274-2744; Troy Newman, 316-841-1700

WASHINGTON, May 6, 2015 /Standard Newswire/ -- Activists will show Speaker Boehner's staff fetal models of 20 week old children in their mother's womb and pictures of abortion victims.

Photo: Fetal model to be shown to Speaker Boehner's staff

On Thursday, May 7 activist leaders of local and national pro-life groups will hold a second protest at House Speaker John Boehner's office, when they will present him with a life-size model of a 20-week-old preborn baby - a physical reminder of the babies whose lives hang in the balance while the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act languishes in Congress.

This protest follows one held at the Speaker's office on March 25, in which eight pro-life activists were arrested for peacefully kneeling in front of his office challenging his commitment to protecting America's children lost through the violence of abortion.

Now, at the three-month mark following the Republican House Leadership's cancellation of their promised vote on the 20-week abortion ban, leaders of pro-life activist groups stand united with leaders of national pro-life policy groups to urge a rescheduled vote. 

Our protest will be held on Thursday, May 7, at 12:00 P.M. at the Longworth House Office building.

Activists will hold a news conference outside of Longworth at 12:00 P.M. and then move to Speaker Boehner's office at 1011 Longworth.

"Dr. Martin Luther King said, 'Justice delayed is justice denied.'  Sadly, Speaker Boehner and the Republican House Leadership have denied America's children justice by delaying a vote on banning abortions after 20 weeks.  It is an outrage that is the first week of May and language has not even been approved for this piece of legislation.

"We are showing Speaker Boehner's staff these 20 week fetal models and pictures of abortion victims to remind this is not a political issue but one of human rights and justice." -- Rev. Patrick Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition.

"I am the husband of a wonderful wife who is a product of rape and the proud father of a son born less than six months gestation, whom I held in my right hand when he weighed a mere 1.9 pounds. There is no way I will support legislation that includes an exception for rape and fails to end abortion in the United States after 20 weeks." -- Walter Hoye, Director of Issues 4 Life Foundation

"Representative Renee Ellmers and Speaker Boehner both need to know pro-life citizens are not going to sit silent at such irresponsible attempts to derail this bill." -- Fr. Terry Gensemer, Director of CEC For Life 

"The urgency of insisting on the passage of this bill is that the barbaric practice of dismembering those capable of feeling pain must come to an end.  Our representatives must speak up and vote against this practice in order to remain relevant." -- Brian Gibson, Director of Pro-Life Action Ministries.

Here is a list of National pro-life organizations participating:

    CEC For Life

    Christian Defense Coalition

    Citizens for a Pro-Life Society

    Defend Life

    Issues4Life Foundation

    Operation Rescue

    Maryland Coalition for Life

    Pro-Life Action League

    Pro-Life Action Ministries

    Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust
    Bud Shaver, Executive Director of Protest ABQ

    Apostle Manny Lardizabal, New Mexico Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network (HAPN) State Leader

For more information or interviews contact:
Rev. Patrick Mahoney:   540.538.4741
Jill Stanek:  815.274.2744
Troy Newman:  316.841.1700