The Restoration Project
March 25, 2024
ATLANTA, March 25, 2024 /Standard Newswire/ -- While Margaret Sanger began the eugenic march of controlling the black birth rate in America when she launched the Negro Project in 1939, Alan Guttmacher, her successor who simultaneously was vice president of the American Eugenic Society, took the effort over the top. According to his wife, his concern for differential fertility increased when he saw what he considered a population explosion among Blacks while interning at Johns Hopkins. Segregation kept the wards divided based on skin color, and Guttmacher like Sanger, had no problem deciding none of those housed in the Negro ward were wellborn enough to have children. Guttmacher, the father of abortion on demand, facilitated the easing of laws that prohibited abortion and birth control as he laid the groundwork to ensure Blacks were the number one target of those seeking to control their reproduction.
Like Sanger and Guttmacher, Kamala Harris is an orchestrator of the Negro Project. As She is used to straighten it out if it occurs to rebellious blacks they want to exterminate them. Her promotion of Planned Parenthood's agenda began long before she became vice president. In fact, while Attorney General of California, she helped Planned Parenthood avoid prosecution for the illegal sale of aborted baby body parts, but pursued the undercover journalists who exposed their enterprise. Her recent tour of the Minnesota Planned Parenthood facility to "uplift the work that is happening" there "blazed a new trail of killing black babies", said Lori Hoye of California's Issues4Life. I stand to let her know her delusional doubletalk can no longer convince the black community that destroying our children, our future, leads to freedom".
Patricia Hunter of Life, Education and Resource Network agrees. "Black women can see through all the smoke and mirrors. Reproductive rights are not healthcare for any woman. Too many of us have been injured, some even unto death such as Cree Erin, Tia Parks, Lakisha Wilson and Tonya Reaves to name a few".
In a state whose black population measures 7.6%, 39,675 black children have been aborted, many of them in the St. Paul Planned Parenthood that committed 50% of Minnesota's 159,022 abortions since 2008. As is the case in most states where abortions are performed Black women outpace every other ethnicity. "How dare Kamala Harris offer death in the form of female empowerment to the next generation of young women, asks Alveda King of King for America. She claims to represent the protection of women but is actually supporting black genocide".
According to Catherine Davis of The Restoration Project, black women across America have had enough of the deceptions offered by the abortion industry. "Many black women are fighting the real healthcare afforded by abortion - depression, suicide, extreme premature births, infertility, even uterine and breast cancer. The days of unfettered access to black women and their babies are ending as Kamala Harris and other elected politicians are outed for their participation in America's greatest crime against humanity."
SOURCE The Restoration Project
CONTACT: Catherine Davis, 678-381-1058, Catherine@therestorationproject.life