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CPAC Turns Left with Pro-Homosexual, Pro-Atheist Groups

Contact: John Ritchie, 717-495-5427

WASHINGTON, March 3, 2016 /Standard Newswire/ -- The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) is under fire this year for accepting the sponsorship of Log Cabin Republicans, an LGBT activist group that promotes Bruce Jenner, same-sex "marriage," and open homosexuality in the U.S. Armed Forces.

CPAC has also welcomed Atheist Voter as an exhibitor at its March 2-5 event at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center south of Washington, D.C.

"It pains me to say this, but CPAC is turning left. It's alienating true conservatives and shattering the cohesion of the conservative movement," said Preston Noell III, director of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP), a group that has sponsored CPAC for many years. "Nothing is more corrosive to the movement as the deliberate efforts of LGBT and atheist activists to be accepted as bona fide conservatives and the naiveté of those who view them as such."

"Ronald Reagan gave us a brilliant metaphor. He said the stability and unity of the conservative movement is like a stool with three legs -- social, fiscal and defense conservatives," explained Noell. "By giving the homosexual movement a platform of legitimacy, CPAC organizers are cutting off one of the legs -- pro-family, pro-God Americans -- and the stool will come crashing down. And that's exactly what the Left wants."

Today the American TFP issued the following statement:

    "We call upon the American Conservative Union to rescind its welcoming of organizations like Log Cabin Republicans and Atheist Voters as sponsors and exhibitors. Doing so would show consistency with the word conservative in its name.

    "We are proud to have been CPAC sponsors for many years. However, if the Log Cabin Republicans or similar organizations continue being CPAC sponsors, we lament to say that the American TFP will not be a CPAC sponsor in 2017. We will choose to be consistent with true conservatism."

Read the full statement here:
TFP to CPAC: Be Consistent! Be Conservative!

Contact: John Ritchie
Phone: 717-495-5427