California Judges, Not Schwarzenegger, are Real Threat to Marriage
Contact:, 916-265-5643
“The only way to save marriage for a man and a woman is to qualify and pass the constitutional amendment for the sake of future generations,” said Bowler. “We need to raise the full $2.5 million to qualify for the ballot. Then we can override the judges and politicians and permanently protect marriage for a man and a woman once and for all in the state constitution.” has identified four of the seven state high court justices who will vote to require same-sex “marriage” licenses to be issued in all 58 counties in
1. Justice Kathryn Werdegar: Voted in 2004 against nullifying the 4,037 same-sex “marriages” unlawfully conducted by the City of
2. Justice Joyce Kennard: Voted like Werdegar, against nullifying the “gay marriage” licenses. Kennard wrote, “Individuals in loving same-sex relationships have waited years, sometimes several decades, for a chance to wed, yearning to obtain the public validation that only marriage can give.”
3. Justice Carol Corrigan: Nominated by Arnold Schwarzenegger, Corrigan was enthusiastically supported by “gay marriage” groups when she was confirmed in early 2006 with the help of an equally enthusiastic Attorney General Bill Lockyer, also an advocate of same-sex “marriages.”
4. Justice Carlos Moreno: Nominated by Gray Davis,
The City of