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All Black Life Matters Press Conference Washington DC
Contact: Rev. Clenard Childress, Board Member, 201-704-9325,; Gregg Cunningham, Executive Director, 949-206-0600,; both with The Center For Bio-Ethical Reform;;

WASHINGTON, Feb. 18, 2015 /Standard Newswire/ -- The Center For Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR) will introduce a provocative new sign display titled: "All Black Lives Matter," Thursday, February 19, 2015, at the east front of the U.S. Capitol Building, Washington, D.C., at 11:00 a.m.

The featured speaker at the related press conference will be African-American Pastor, founder of BlackGenocide.Org, and long-time CBR Board Member, Rev. Clenard Childress. Several other African-American pastors and pro-life activists will also present brief remarks.

The first of the four disturbing signs comprising the new exhibit is themed: "All Black Lives Matter." The second is "Don't Shoot;" the third is "I Can't Breathe;" and the fourth is "Abortion Suppresses the Black Vote."

The exhibit was inspired by the tragic series of encounters between black suspects and white police officers in which the suspects lost their lives while being taken into custody. CBR believes the rule of law requires that police officers who employ excessive force should be prosecuted, convicted and punished appropriately. A young black man who raises his hands, shouting "Don't shoot!" has a right to be apprehended unharmed. A young black man restrained in a police choke-hold should never die of asphyxiation after declaring, "I can't breathe." The evidence is often in dispute, but where proven beyond a reasonable doubt, police brutality is an intolerable outrage -- especially if racially motivated. But where is the African-American community's outrage over the hundreds of thousands of preborn black children butchered this year by the brutality of abortion?! Why isn't the civil rights' slogan "Don't shoot" accompanied by the exhortation "Don't abort?" When will African-American religious and political leaders acknowledge that aborted babies can't breathe either? A police choke-hold can be a form of torture and abortion also tortures babies to death.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is rightly dismayed to report (NAACP LDF Report "Death Row U.S.A.," Summer 2013) that black inmates comprise 42% of death row prisoners. Why then, do they strongly support the slaughter of the far greater numbers of African-American preborn children being executed with the same lethal injections?

NAACP leader Julian Bond recently equated abortion rights with racially-related civil rights (NAACP Leader: "Right to Abort is Same as Right to Eat at Lunch Counter,", August 6, 2014). The NAACP is so intellectually dishonest concerning black genocide that its board refuses to permit any debate on any proposed resolution related to abortion and won't even allow the public reading of such proposals.

Michael Novak points out in National Review ("Notre Dame Disgrace," April 9, 2009), that "…Black women make up 11% of the national female population but have more than 36% of all abortions…" He adds that "…Of the 47 million children aborted since 1973, some 16 million have been black. If those children had been allowed to live, the black population… [in 2009 would have been] about 50% larger than it…[was] –about 49 million instead of 33 million." At that rate, by 2014, 18 million black babies had been killed. Planned Parenthood "abortion care" has suppressed the black vote more effectively than poll taxes, literacy tests, voter I.D. requirements and Ku Klux Klan lynchings combined.

February is Black History Month. Black history in America is a story of kidnapping and forced labor and segregation. Now it is the conscience of the black culture which must be pricked, and once again the agent of change will be disturbing pictures which make visible the injustice of black genocide. Bloody images of "Bloody Sunday" forced white people to face their responsibility for civil rights abuses. But every day is "Bloody Sunday" for hundreds of "unwanted" preborn African-American children. Today, however, it is the parents of those children who are shedding the innocent blood. Sickening pictures restored racial justice and we are certain that the same sort of imagery is the only path to the restoration of prenatal justice.

For media inquiries, contact Rev. Clenard Childress, CBR board member (, 201-704-9325 ); or Gregg Cunningham, Executive Director (, 949-206-0600).