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Miller Officers Receive S&M Photos; Boycott to Extend Beyond Sunday's Event

Contact: Kiera M. McCaffrey, Director of Communications, Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, 212-371-3191,


NEW YORK, Sept. 28 /Standard Newswire/ -- Catholic League president Bill Donohue explained the latest developments in the boycott against Miller Brewing:


"Miller Brewing will now be known as S&M Miller, and that is because it has apparently decided to drop anchor with the sadomasochistic festival that it is proudly sponsoring on Sunday at the Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco. It still refuses to pull sponsorship of this obscene event, knowing full well that it is making a financial contribution to an anti-Catholic group, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence; the Sisters is one of the beneficiaries of the street fair. And last night in San Francisco, the Sisters held a mock Last Supper, ridiculing all Christians.


"Yesterday, we sent all eleven members of the company's Executive Committee a sample of the kinds of sick behaviors (click here) S&M Miller is sponsoring; the packet was sent by overnight mail to the all-male committee."


The accompanying memo says:


It is hard to believe that if you knew exactly what kind of event the Folsom Street Fair is that you would want Miller to be sponsoring it. That is why I am sending the enclosed photos of this event (taken from previous years) to you.


In the outside chance you are not disturbed by these photos, please show them to your mother, wife and daughters.


I trust that you will do the right thing and withdraw sponsorship of this event immediately. Rest assured that we will not walk away from this issue. The public is rallying to our side, emboldening us to stay in this fight for as long as it takes.


"Over 200 religious organizations spanning six faith communities were sent a letter yesterday asking them to join us in the boycott. If S&M Miller doesn't pull its sponsorship, we will announce a game plan on Monday that will make the company regret it ever decided to insult Christians."


Contact Miller Brewing at 1-800-MILLER 6 or 414-931-2000.