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Divine Geographic Pareidolia Revealed

David Pinkston
Jan. 7, 2025

CHESAPEAKE, Va., Jan. 7, 2025 /Standard Newswire/ -- An image of Jesus Christ, described in the new novel ‘The Face on the Map,’ appears visible in the northeast section of North America. The facial image, claims the new Amazon eBook, pictures how Jesus appeared just before his crucifixion, including a section of his beard torn away, disfigured lips, blackened eyes, and blood streaming down his forehead, most likely from a crown of thorns. The westerly facing image, spanning from Hudson Bay to the west coast of Greenland, bears a strong resemblance to that of Jesus’ face on the Shroud of Turin. The novel, coauthored by Jennifer and Jesse Stewart, is available on Amazon Kindle.

SOURCE David Pinkston

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