Feb. 7, 2020
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Feb. 7, 2020 /Standard Newswire/ -- Julie Grimstad, the President of HALO, announces the release of this ground-breaking document with these words, "HALO has brought together a team of dedicated volunteers and professionals who have vast experience in dealing with the end-of-life issues to produce this 16-page resource." She promises that this guide provides "advice for medical decision-making as well as crucial information about the areas in which the culture of death has infiltrated our healthcare system." She goes on to predict that "most readers who appreciate the worth and dignity of every human life will be shocked to discover the subtle, yet thorough, degree of hastening of death practices that have already taken place."
Mrs. Grimstad is whetting the curiosity and inquisitiveness of potential readers by asking the following questions:
- Have you ever questioned the choice of drugs and dosage a loved one is receiving?
- Have you ever questioned the definitiveness of the term 'brain dead' and had reservations about an outcome?
- Have you ever needed information on preparing an Advance Directive with 'teeth' in it?
- Are you confused about the role of a ventilator – emergency only or longer-term usage?
Mrs. Grimstad summed up her appeal, "If the answer to any of these questions is in the affirmative, I, and the HALO Board of Directors, strongly urge you to obtain a copy of this valuable resource. I can almost guarantee this information will make 'A DIFFERENCE' in the life of someone near and dear to you, or even in your own life!"
Judie Brown, President, American Life League, also commented "This document is more useful than anything I have seen from any organization in a very long time. I am proud to be associated with this effort. And, I think that input from those who receive it and read it will confirm how impressed I am with what it provides the reader. Well done!"
HALO, Healthcare Advocacy and Leadership Organization
7301 Bass Lake Road, Minneapolis, MN
CONTACT: Julie Grimstad, President, 817-995-1139
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