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National Personhood Alliance Names President
Contact: Genevieve Wilson, 770-339-6880
NORCROSS, Georgia, July 18, 2014 /Standard Newswire/ -- National Personhood Alliance (NPA) Founder, Dan Becker, has announced that Molly Smith (photo), President of Cleveland Right to Life (CRL), has been named president of the newly formed organization.
"Molly has a distinguished record of pro-life accomplishments in Cleveland and throughout Ohio," Becker said. "Her knowledge and experience will be invaluable to efforts at NPA."
Smith said, "I am honored to be given this opportunity and pray that God will guide us as we work to return the national pro-life movement back to its roots which acknowledges that all life, not just some, is created in His image."
The National Personhood Alliance (NPA) is a confederation of faith-based, pro-life organizations and leaders who believe pursuing Personhood is essential to protecting all innocent human beings in the 21st century.
Smith said, "The general consensus of many in the movement is that there is a need to get back to basics; to the principles that the pro-life mission was originally founded upon, a strategy to end the disregard for innocent human life.
"There has been an overwhelming call from many within the movement to form a new national pro-life group which will represent our voice on Capitol Hill."
"In addition," Becker said, "NPA will also focus on a broader range of issues, including end of life issues which are becoming more critical every day. We're excited about Molly taking the helm of the new organization and the energy it will bring to the pro-life movement."
The new organization will be officially formed at the Founders Convention to be held in Atlanta, GA on October 10th and 11th. Representatives of existing pro-life organizations and leaders from across the country are invited.
Attendees who affirm the founding charter will begin the process of electing a national board of directors representing each state.
"Registration has started," Smith added, "We are pleased to invite pro-life leaders and activists from around the nation to be a part of the Congress of States for the National Personhood Alliance (NPA) Founders Convention."
Washington Times Columnist and radio talk show host Steve Deace said: "The issue of life is the defining moral issue of the age. It is the most important God-given right of them all. Sectors of our movement have devolved to an industry, or have chosen to play partisan political games with an innocent life.
"God doesn't love a child any less because of how they were conceived, and neither should we. Let's get back to making the main thing the main thing. And the main thing is this--all life is sacred. Always."