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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Remarks by President Bush at Arrival Ceremony

Remarks by President Bush to Military Personnel and Coalition Forces

Friday, January 11, 2008

Fred Thompson Receives Endorsement of Rhode Island Right to Life

Updated: "The Clear Conservative Choice: Hands Down!" Bus Tour Schedule

New TV Documentary 'THE BETTER HOUR: The Legacy of William Wilberforce'

NBC Producers Need Sensitivity Training

Remarks by the President During Visit to Yad Vashem

Indieheaven Announces 'The Christian Independent Alliance'

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Statement by Communications Director Todd Harris

Brownback Comments on Congo Peace Talks

CSI Creator and Executive Producer Anthony Zuiker to Address Content Strategies at NAB Show

What the SC Media is Saying About Fred Thompson's Bus Tour

Remarks by the President After Visit to Church of the Nativity

Remarks by President Bush and Palestinian Authority President Abbas in Joint Press Availability

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Challenging African Americans to Take Responsibility

Jacksonville Press Conference to Outline 'Stop Giuliani' Strategy for Florida

Remarks by President Bush and Prime Minister Olmert in Joint Press Availability

Ethical Principles Protect Patients--Not Personal Opinions

Recording Artist Beats Life-Threatening Illness Now Inspires Others Facing Difficult Times

Congressmen Putnam and Miller Endorse Thompson

Remarks by President Bush and Israeli President Peres in Photo Opportunity

Day Gardner: The Black Church and Obama

Remarks by President Bush in Arrival Ceremony

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Statement from Communications Director Todd Harris

Thompson Campaign Moves to South Carolina

Remarks by President Bush and President Gul of Turkey in Photo Opportunity

African American Author Kevin M. Weeks reinvests book publishing Royalties to Trademark 'The Street Life Series'

Statement by the President

A Handbook for Today's Conservatives

Monday, January 07, 2008

Statement by President Bush After Meeting with Chicago 2016 Bid Committee and United States Olympic Committee Members

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