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Friday, February 08, 2008

Remarks by the President After Briefing on Regional Tornado Damage Unveiled at CPAC

Pence at CPAC: Challenges McCain to 'Embrace the Right and the Right Will Embrace You'

Remarks by the President to the Conservative Political Action Conference

Pennsylvanians Say Now is the Time for Marriage Amendment

Thursday, February 07, 2008

White House 'Compassion in Action' Roundtable Highlights Transformational Efforts of International Social Enterprise

Pence Statement on HIV/AIDS Relief for Africa

Remarks by the President on Pending Presidential Nominations

Remarks by the President at National Prayer Breakfast

Press Conference Today: Save Global HIV/AIDS Funding

Warner Bros. Selects Dalet for HD Production and Broadcast of its Popular Entertainment News Program

Video-on-Demand Scores Big with TBN Viewers. Video Archives of Favorite 'Praise The Lord' and 'Behind The Scenes' Broadcasts Available 24/7

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Remarks by President Bush in Ceremonial Swearing in of Secretary of Agriculture Ed Schafer

Racing Ahead at the Speed of Light: Accelerator Physicists Correct Beam Scattering, Increase Collision Rates of Speeding Particles

SBC's Richard Land Launches and

Remarks by John McCain to February 5th Victory Party

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Richard Viguerie Says Ball is in McCain's Court

Stellar Award Winning Songwriter of Year Jonathan Nelson Releases First CD on Integrity Music

Statement by John McCain On Mitt Romney's Disparaging Comments On Bob Dole

Kenyan Violence Likely to Create Long-Term Health Problems, Duke Expert Says

In Case You Missed It: Governor Mitt Romney on Super Tuesday

Christian Vote Will Make Difference Today

Monday, February 04, 2008

The Romney Agenda: A Vision for Conservative Change

Remarks by President Bush After Meeting with his Cabinet

Oldest Rabbinic Group in U.S. Bans Voting for Anti-Family Values Candidates

Former Governor George Deukmejian Endorses John McCain

McCain, Huckabee Worst Picks for Evangelicals

Political Experts for Super Tuesday and Beyond

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson Announces Personal Endorsement of Governor Romney for President of the United States

Friday, February 01, 2008

Remarks by the President on the Economy

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