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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Remarks by President Bush and President Kufuor of Ghana in Press Availability

Civil War Chaplains Museum Attracts National Figure to Board

Former Colorado Governor Bill Owens and Former Tennessee Governor Winfield Dunn Endorse John McCain for President

TBN's Commitment to New High Quality Programs for the Whole Family Kicks Off Second 'INNOVATE! Program Challenge'

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Senator McCain Statement on Resignation of Fidel Castro

Prominent Black Minister Says Disdain Obama Showed for America When He Refused to Wear the Flag Lapel Pin is confirmed by His Wife's Remarks Joins the Intermarkets Portfolio

Missouri Governor Matt Blunt Endorses John McCain for President

Remarks by President Bush and President Kagame of Rwanda in Dedication of United States Embassy Kigali

Remarks by the President on Kosovo

Monday, February 18, 2008

Former President George H.W. Bush Endorses John McCain for President

New Technology Makes 3-D Imaging Quicker, Easier; Possible Applications of Technology Widespread

Remarks by President Bush on Malaria

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Charles Barkley Makes Bigoted Anti-Christian Remarks -- The Christian Anti-Defamation Commission Calls for Apology

Remarks by President Bush and President Kikwete of Tanzania at Roundtable on PEPFAR

Remarks by President Bush and President Kikwete of Tanzania in Joint Press Availability

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Radio Address by the President to the Nation

Remarks by President Bush and President Yayi of Benin in Joint Press Availability

Friday, February 15, 2008

Brownback Calls for Action Against 'Conflict Coltan'

Kingston Will Host WCC Peace Convocation in 2011

Remarks by President Bush and U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon in Photo Opportunity

Interview of the President by Matt Frei, BBC World News America

U.S. Provides More Than $2 Million in Assistance to Tajikistan

Remarks by the President After Meeting with Bicameral Republican Leadership

New Video Site Launches With Life Discussion

Thursday, February 14, 2008

'Make It Stop,' FCC

Statement by the President on the Protect America Act

Remarks by the President and the First Lady on Africa Policy

Private Money Dominates Foreign Aid

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson Takes Issue with President Bush's Black History Month Remarks and White House Appearance with Al Sharpton

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