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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Excerpts from the President's Remarks at the Federalist Society's 25th Anniversary

Remarks by the President and First Lady at Presentation of the 2007 National Medals of Arts and National Humanities Medals

USAID Administrator Confirmed by U.S. Senate

The Unifying Factor for Faith and Values Voters This Presidential Season

Thompson Campaign Announces Overwhelming Support Among Georgia Republican Legislators

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Thompson Launches New TV Ad, 'No Amnesty,' in Iowa

Thompson Announces Students for Fred Leadership

National Pro-Life Leader Endorses Mike Huckabee

New Hampshire Attorneys Now Cost Nothing

Remarks by President Bush in Ceremonial Swearing in of Attorney General Mukasey

Thompson Team Growing Strong in South Carolina

'Noëlle' Movie Offers Inspirational Message of Forgiveness and Second Chances for the Christmas Season

Project Bread Reports Increased Hunger and Food Insecurity in Massachusetts

$1.5M NASA Grant: San Jose State University Engineering Faculty to Study Ways to Reduce Air Traffic Congestion

Fred Thompson to Keynote Florida Family Policy Council Gala

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

'Right to Life Says Thompson Can Win'

Thompson Unveils His 'Four Pillars of a Revitalized National Defense'

Lear Center/Zogby Survey on Politics and Entertainment Explores Political Beliefs and Entertainment Preferences

Excerpts from President Bush's Remarks on the Budget

Statement by Fred Thompson on National Right to Life Endorsement

Scholastic Pressed on 'The Golden Compass' -- No More Ventures with Pullman Sought

Book is a Testament to What Can Happen to Any Family When Left Unprotected and Uninformed of What Clergy Misconduct is and What to do if it Rears its Ugly Head and Threatens an Innocent Victim

Thompson Campaign Announces Virginia Campaign Leaders

Monday, November 12, 2007

SBC's Land: 'Neither Defense nor Assessment Should be Confused with Endorsement'

Pope Benedict XVI to Visit United States and United Nations

Finger-Friendly Tactile Interface Could Aid Blind Computer Users

National Right to Life to Announce Presidential Endorsement

Boycott Amnesty International on Catholic Campuses

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Remarks by President Bush at Fallen Soldiers National Memorial Ceremony

They Said It: Thompson Social Security Plan Applauded as 'Courageous,' 'Honest,' and 'Substantive'

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