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Monday, December 24, 2007

Smoke-Free Cars: New Law Takes Effect January 1, 2008

Saturday, December 22, 2007

'The Clear Conservative Choice: Hands Down!' Bus Tour Schedule

Thompson Releases Special Christmas Holiday Video Message

Radio Address by the President to the Nation

Friday, December 21, 2007

Fred Thompson Receives the Endorsement of Bill Salier

Presidential Message -- Merry Christmas

Press Statement From Henrietta Fore, USAID Administrator -- Christmas Message

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Remarks by the President After Visit to Walter Reed Army Medical Center

Thompson Campaign Announces Nevada Leadership

Remarks by the President at Signing of H.R. 3648

Fred Thompson Receives the Endorsement of Virginia Society for Human Life

Remarks by the President at Swearing in of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs

Southwestern Oklahoma State University Bans the Word 'Christmas'

Radio Personality, 'Dr. Nina', to Host Inspirational Conference in the New Year

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Remarks by President Bush After a Visit to the National Naval Medical Center

Yet Another Romney Flip-Flop: Campaign Finance Reform

Presidential Message: Holiday Greetings to all Muslims Celebrating Eid al-Adha

Fred Thompson Announces Statewide Leadership Team in Iowa

Statement from Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America on the Report on the Illegal Use of Steroids in Major League Baseball

State Commitment to End Homelessness Aims for $60 Million Private Sector Boost

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

National Archives Tells Court Hillary's White House Records Ready for Bill Clinton's Review by January 2008

Fred Thompson Receives Endorsement of Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life

Early Church History Expert at Union Theological Seminary Available to Reveal the Real Santa Claus

New Christmas Song May Help Reduce Suicide Among Soldiers

Largest Election Fraud Case in the U.S.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Fred Thompson Receives Endorsement of California ProLife Council

Nativity Scene Displayed in Times Square as Part of 'The Nativity Project'

Statement from Fred Thompson on Endorsement from Iowa Representative Steve King

War on Christmas Continues says Catholic League

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Romney Fact Check on Preserving the Sanctity of Life

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