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Monday, April 28, 2008

Bishop E.W. Jackson Sr., Prominent Black Minister, Attorney and Law Professor Says Jeremiah Wright Undermines the Integrity of the Black Church, the Black Preacher and The Gospel Message Itself

Remarks by the President at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner

Remarks by President Bush and Guatemalan President Alvaro Colom in Photo Opportunity

Parents Should Think Twice -- Before 'Taking Two'

Tragic Circumstances Lead to New Book

Remarks by John McCain on Day One of the 'Call to Action Tour'

GOSPELSHOE(TM) Campaign Aims for a Higher Calling Among the Millennial Generation

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Radio Address by the President to the Nation

Friday, April 25, 2008

Departments of State and Education to Host Higher Education Summit for Global Development

Remarks by the President During Visit to Northwest Boys & Girls Club

Remarks by the President on Malaria Awareness Day

Statement by the President on the Economic Stimulus Rebate Checks

Statement by John McCain on Malaria Awareness Day

Statement on Zimbabwe by the General Secretary of the World Council of Churches

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Remarks by John McCain on Day Four of the It's Time For Action Tour

Prosecutors' Dismal Record Showing Improvement in Guatemala

Remarks by the President to Members of Wounded Warrior Soldier Ride

Statement by John McCain on Syria and North Korea

Remarks by President Bush and President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority in Photo Opportunity

Remarks by the President at White House Summit on Inner-City Children and Faith-Based Schools

Providing Greater Opportunities for Our Children by Ensuring Access to Faith-Based Schools

Statement by the President -- Armenian Remembrance Day

It's Time For Action Tour: Day Four

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

White House Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Conference on Disaster Relief and Preparedness

John McCain Speaks at 25th Annual Business Awards and Hall of Fame Banquet

Remarks by the President on National Small Business Week

Remarks by the President at Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony Honoring Dr. Michael Ellis DeBakey

Proclamation by the President: Loyalty Day

Remarks by John McCain on Day Three of the Time For Action Tour

Statement by John McCain on the 100th Anniversary of the U.S. Army Reserve

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